September 3, 2003 | 10:39 PM Central Time
Newfound Emotions

I just lost my best friend and I am not even crying.

That's a mood improvement right there!

I have learned, much to my dismay, that you should never ask a question unless you can handle the answer. I pretty much knew what the answer was going to be.

After we stopped trying to have an actual relationship, things went downhill and they haven't quite recovered, and they aren't going to.

I left him with, "Have a nice life."

I honestly mean that, too.

I might end up in a psychiatric unit someday but, he'll come out fine, I am sure.

That's all I really have to say. I will try to get all of the Friday Fives that I missed up here.

...I feel fine...

before | after

Goodbye... and EFF YOU! - January 14, 2004
This... sucks. - November 30, 2003
High on Life... and hyper as hell. - November 28, 2003
Happy Thanksgiving, not so happy. - November 27, 2003... Thanksgiving Day
100 exciting things about me... hehe,.. not. - November 25, 2003