September 11, 2003 | 8:00 PM Central Time
Short update... woohoo

Okay, I bought pastel yellow sheets, and a comforter that is dark purple on one side and lilac on the other-- I will be using the lilac since I am painting my walls pastel yellow. I bought a dark purple body pillow cover, one pastel yellow pillowcase came with the sheets and then I bought two lilac pillow covers, and a new accent table and I am going to get the cover for that tomorrow and also a new lamp...

I have a dragonfly lamp thanks to Howard but, I have that above my desk, so... :)I also bought a new clock... it will look pretty on my walls... I plan on buying all sorts of other little pretty things to go in my room... I'll do that after I paint, though. I have a bout two more feet of wallpaper to get off of my wall, I am going to work on that tomorrow but I am starting to catch something from my Dad.

I also need to go tanning again... anyway, that was my little update. I haven't been putting my proverbs on here lately but I probably will tomorrow along with my Friday Five if I remember.

before | after

Goodbye... and EFF YOU! - January 14, 2004
This... sucks. - November 30, 2003
High on Life... and hyper as hell. - November 28, 2003
Happy Thanksgiving, not so happy. - November 27, 2003... Thanksgiving Day
100 exciting things about me... hehe,.. not. - November 25, 2003