October 14, 2003 | 11:46 AM Central Time
Update on sexual harassment

Okay, for those of you who read last night's entry... he was arrested but he wasn't taken to jail. He has a notice to appear in court and at work, he was only written up. He wasn't fired.

The policeman who questioned me last night was at my home well over an hour... and now I feel like everything I have told him is wrong. The more and more I get questioned, the more confused that I get.

Last night I was so sure that it was my left cheek... now I am wondering if it wasn't the right that he grabbed.

The policeman (who also looks very good in his uniform) called me back last night and said that < > said that he didn't do it, like anyone would. If he pleads not guilty in front of the judge in this notice to appear thing... I get to go to court and do this all over again for fear of changing my story or being too confused or just starting to shake like I did last night. I almost collapsed. My knees kept giving out on me.

I'm afraid to go to work for fear of what he or my supervisor might do to me now...

And I am wondering if I did the right thing.

before | after

Goodbye... and EFF YOU! - January 14, 2004
This... sucks. - November 30, 2003
High on Life... and hyper as hell. - November 28, 2003
Happy Thanksgiving, not so happy. - November 27, 2003... Thanksgiving Day
100 exciting things about me... hehe,.. not. - November 25, 2003